Sunday, July 21, 2013

Final Thoughts

Lee asked me to write a personal reflection of my unit design and creation.  I did not realize how much I had learned over the last few weeks.  I looked through all of my blogs, and reviews of all of my readings.  I am glad that I took really good notes throughout the weeks, because I am afraid I would forget something.  There are so many new technologies that I cannot wait to implement this upcoming school year.  I am also excited about how well my unit course will be accepted by the students.  I think they will like the course because of its design and online implementation.  Thank you to Lee and all of my peers that helped me to create a really awesome unit.  I am still working on perfecting it, and I know that my students are going to learn a lot just by experiencing this unit.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 7 Post

This week has been hectic, yet refreshing.  The critiques that I received from my peers give me hope that I am moving in the right direction with my course and that it will be a success for my students. 

The QM rubric was a great success for myself.  It was easy to use - although there were some phrases that confused me.  I was not sure what it was asking, but the critiques that I received from my peers really helped clear up my misunderstandings.  I think the QM rubric was valuable in the review process that was completed this week.  My peers went step by step through the rubric and pointed out what I was missing or how I can clearly state something that was otherwise confusing.

Reviewing other courses really helped me to see what I was doing right and what I could improve upon.  I reviewed Barbra's Point Hope Project and thought - wow!! I loved the videos that she either found online or created herself - straightforward, yet informational.  Colin gave me a great new idea on another course that I might want to create down the line.  I also loved his use of technology throughout the course.  Seeing these two great courses gave me inspiration for my own.  I think reviewing another course was almost as beneficial as hearing the critiques from the peers who reviewed my own course.

There are a few kinks that I have to iron out.  At the moment, my introduction video is not recorded, so I will have to work on that.  I need to include our institutional policies and be more specific about the academic support my students will have throughout the course.  I need to work on my evaluation section - add the point values for A, B, C, etc. and be more specific about the requirements for the discussion board - initial and followup posts.  I am thinking of creating some sort of rubric for this.  Since my students will not be familiar with Voicethread, I will have to create a how-to video on using this technology tool and its benefits.  And finally, as far as my resources, I forgot to cite them and one peer suggested a brief narrative of what the students will find.  Now, I should get started!!

Thanks to Gary and Ryan for their great critiques.  I could not have asked for better peer reviews.  I appreciate all of your time and consideration for helping me to create the best course possible for my students.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Update for Week 6

It seems that my documents that were saved on Google Docs were set to private.  I apologize to anyone who has tried to access my course and could not.  I have set them all to allow access to those with links, so please try again :)

Also, please note that Google Docs is just a temporary place for these documents.  As soon as my district releases the editing to our Moodle site, I will update my course on the website.  It is still under maintenance as of today (July 3).

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 6 Thoughts

So, this week was really hectic for me.  I felt like I was really far behind with the construction of my website, and then the district decided to move our Moodle site to a new server.  When I went to log into my course on Thursday, I found that it was under maintenance.  So, I then created a word document to look like my Moodle course and set up the links through it.

This is the link to the Course Template, which is temporarily a word document.  You should be able to get to all of the website resources and documents that are linked through here.  The only thing I could not get done was the introduction video.  My plan was to use Screenomatic, but something was not working right for me.  I recorded the video but I had problems posting to You Tube.  I will try again this week and hopefully have that available for y'all to view soon.  I am really happy with my course.  I think it all turned out really well.  Of course, with a lot more time I know that I could make it better - and I plan on working on it a lot before the school year begins.

Please review it and let me know what you think! :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 5 Thoughts

The webinars this week were very informative.  I enjoyed Monday's webinar on the synchronous learning environment.  I am in the M.Ed. program that Virgil heads.  I actually just finished the 3-week Calculus summer course with he as my instructor.  I liked being able to put a face with the voice.  Although my course that I am creating is not synchronous, I did enjoy learning how strategies that these instructors use in their synchronous courses that they teach.  I agree that it is important to use different activities and strategies to keep students engaged.  I have to say that all of my instructors so far have done a great job of keeping their courses interesting and engaging.

Thursday's webinar was also very informative.  She did a great job explaining MOOCs and how we could use them to teach our students.  It really went a long way to help me understand what type of class I was in and I better understood the importance of blogging and tweeting in this course.

This week I worked a lot on setting up my modules in my course and labeling the parts of each module.  I am really interested in seeing what many of my peers have done with their courses.  I am hoping to get some good ideas for my own course.  I feel like I am really far behind because I have not begun to create my assignments for my class.  I am going to work really hard on completing my course this week as I do want to use it in this upcoming school year.  I have read some of the other students blogs and it is getting me excited about Monday's webinar.  One such idea is Gary's use of videos to explain how to use the site and to go over the course syllabus and expectations.  I am curious to see what my peers are using as their technology tools for teaching.

I have finally gotten the login information for my course so that y'all will be able to view what I have so far - which does not seem like much :(
login id:  oltak674
password:  bportie

once you are logged in - click Brandi Portie's section in the column on the right...this will bring you straight to my course.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 4 Thoughts

As I am taking both EDET 628 and 674 (both being taught by Lee) this summer, I keep getting my schedules confused.  I even have the calendars for both classes scheduled!  But there is so much going on during my summer vacation that I am lucky to keep up with anything - a tree fell on my carport at the house I been trying to sell and my daughter is having eye surgery soon so been going to dr. appointments for that.  I am leading into the fact that I missed Mondays webinar and now I cannot find the recording link that Lee sent.  I really wanted to see that one too because my course is a blended-asynchronous course.

I did however make the Thursday webinar and I really enjoyed it.  Matthew was a great presenter and I was excited about all of the information that he gave.  I especially enjoyed the example that he showed us toward the end of the session.  I recognized a few of the schools that participated in the course and enjoyed going through all of their video news.  I tried to see how this could help me with my math classes and have yet to come up with something similar.

I started to create my course through my districts Moodle site.  I emailed one of my district technology specialists to set up a guest account so that y'all will be able to view my course.  I hope to have that at the beginning of this upcoming week and will blog and tweet that information to everyone.  At the moment, I am setting up my modules and links for information that I already have available.  During this upcoming week, I will begin working on creating more assignments and materials for each module.  I cannot begin to express how exciting it is to take my ideas and actually being creating something my students will be able to use.  Please reply with all your thoughts and ideas on how to make my course better!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week 3 Thoughts

 I want to start off by saying that I am really bummed I missed Thursdays webinar.  It was unfortunate that I could not make it and I was sad to learn that it was mistakenly not recorded.  However, I believe I learned a lot from the other events of this week.  I really enjoyed the process of creating my course structure and outline this week.  I learned a lot through the readings posted on #OLTAK and the attachments from Mondays webinar.  I understand the importance of the expectations of me as an instructor and I hope that I am able to help my students learn in an online environment.  I really think this could be a great experience for my students and something different that will engage them in meaningful learning.

There were a few of things that I took notes on and absorbed prior to creating my course structure.  I took to heart the expectations of the facilitator in the document titled "Participating in Online Community."  I saved a few documents, including the Blended Learning Syllabus and Module Template, from the Blended Learning Toolkit.  My most informative piece of reading was the Analysis of Organizational Approaches to Online Course Structures, where I most enjoyed the ten components of an online course.  It was very basic components that I often see in my own online courses through UAS.  However, the one document that most helped with the creation of my course structure and outline was The Defining Dimensions of Blended Learning Models chart in the iNACOL K-12 Course Design Structures.  I went through each component and decided on what my expectations for the course would be.  This was so helpful!

So attached is my course structure and outline.  Please scan it and let me know what you think.  I accept all constructive criticisms as I want my course to be a great learning experience for my students.  Thanks!

Course Structure/Outline